The King’s Way of Life
The King’s Way of Life
There once was a prince who was the younger of two brothers. His father was a good king who had always taught them about the king’s way of life - to lead like a servant, and serve like a king; and to always follow the directions of the compass that he has given to them.
When the good king passes away, the elder prince, who was mean and selfish, ran away and younger prince was asked to take over the kingdom. However, he felt that he was not wise like his father, and he even lost the precious compass. As he eventually rose up to become the king, he sought to serve his people and also helped them to become wise. The story also ends with the new king extending forgiveness to his prodigal brother.
Reading this story with your little one will help them learn about leading through servanthood, seeking wisdom and confidently stepping into what God has for them.
Product details
Product details
Written by Bill Johnson
Illustrated by Branden Walden
Publisher: Destiny Image (17 March 2020)
Hardback: 40 pages
Weight: 431g
Dimensions: 214 x 282 x 13mm